About Me (Simple Version)

Hello, This is Tommy from Hong Kong. I am first a Cat Slave, a Street Photographer, then a Open-source Lover, finally a Software Engineer.

This blog is originally from Substack, but yes I want more freedom and less pressure, I moved to github pages, and use SSG(Static Site Generator) to build this blog.

Something More

What’s the articles about?

Well, most of them are about Mobile Development, Open-source, Photography, and Cats. But sometimes I may share something about Software Engineering and AI. (Yeah you know, AI is the future, right? :')

Programming Languages?

Swift and Kotlin are my most comfortable programming languages (When you need to write both OS Apps in Native). I do frequently read Swift proposals, sometimes comment, and rarely may contribute.

Do know some hot-topic lanaguages e.g. Rust and Python, but mainly for hobby purpose.

Personal Comment: Dislike Javascript sometimes.


As of Aug 24 2024:

  • Raspberry Pi LocalLLM Implementation + Testing
  • Raspberry Pi AI Kit (planning, haven’t bought the kit yet)
  • Swift Toolchain Manager Study (Mainly on Linux Side)
  • Swift Compiler Study
  • Ladybird Swift Approach Study

What did you do apart from coding in front of the screen?

I indeed do some photos for interest, mainly Street Photography and Urban Photography. Sometimes I will show some images here, and sometimes on unsplash.